Class of 2022 High School Senior Portraits
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Wednesday, February 03, 2021
By Sally Carpenter Photography
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Why Hire A Professional High School Senior Portrait Photographer?


Congratulations High School Seniors! You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished and excited about the next phase of your life. A senior portrait session is the perfect way to commemorate this milestone. High schools usually have a yearbook photographer available, and typically offer senior portrait sessions sometime in the summer or around the start of the school year. That being said, you might wonder why you might want a professional high school senior portrait session for your senior pictures.

Hiring a professional photographer guarantees that your senior portrait experience will be fun and rewarding and leave you with a gorgeous representation of your senior year. Consider these reasons why the investment in a professional senior photographer is an investment in yourself and a timeless high school keepsake! 


You’re about to graduate high school—that’s something to celebrate! You’ve been working towards this for most of your life and you deserve to reward yourself for how far you’ve come. A portrait session dedicated to doing just that is a great experience for a high school senior that yields a tangible memento to mark the occasion.

Not only will you end up with an awesome year book photo, Sally Carpenter Photography will customize your portrait experience to who you are and how you want to present yourself. You will have a collection of pictures that represent you and all of your hobbies, interests and passions. The inexpensive high school yearbook shutterbug doesn’t care who you are or how you feel, they just want to get through as many student snapshots as they can in the shortest span of time so they can pack up and go. That’s not how you want to be remembered, or how you want to remember your senior photo session.

In a portrait session with a Sally, the experience and its products are all about you. This is a chance to express your personality and document how you feel about graduating, and who you were when you did it. Give yourself some credit and honor the wonderful, intricate person you’ve become!

Senior year is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and so are your senior portraits. You want somebody with the skills and creativity to bring out your best, most refined self—and the passion to put in the time and effort to do it. 

 Sally Carpenter knows how to find the best light and identify the best moments to capture in order to portray who you really are. I’ll help guide you into the most flattering, natural poses and expressions to channel your personality and make you look beautiful. We pay attention to the details that transform your photos from ordinary senior portraits into artwork. I can also offer expert hair and makeup services to help you get the look and emulate the style you like best. You’ll end up with a versatile selection of photos to choose from, instead of just five portraits of you at slightly different angles. More products will be available to ensure you and your loved ones are getting exactly what you want—like regular prints, albums, fine art prints, canvas, and even unique gift options. 


High school seniors are busy—and so are their parents! There are colleges to tour, applications to fill out, final season games to attend, and so much more going on senior year that takes up the majority of your time and energy. That is one reason to schedule your class of 2022 senior portrait session now. I will work with you to set aside a time and date for your senior portraits that fits into your schedule. Once the appointment is scheduled, you won’t have to concern yourself with any of the details either. Just bring several changes of clothes, the ones you feel comfortable in, the outfits you love and props like sports equipment, musical instruments or even your pets and I will do the rest. 

Your high school senior portrait should be a break from the hectic demands of daily life. Take a break from the stress and have fun! Let yourself be carefree and laid back, and your pictures are sure to reflect it.

Call Sally Carpenter today to schedule a senior portrait session that will make you look and feel like the dazzling man or woman that you are! I cannot wait to create your collection of stunning senior portraits.

land line: 802 672 8888        cell/text: 518 577 4147         email:


Be sure and check out my High School Senior Portrait Photography page for more information on photo sessions, hair and make up and pricing.

Sally Carpenter Photography

PO Box 244

Woodstock, VT 05091